Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday in Kawete

We began the day with shopping for school supplies for all the students. They will all have new notebooks and pencils for the year ahead!  Next we received the good news about Hellen, the young lady with Pregnancy Induced Hypertension! Her labs and tests were all good and the baby is healthy and about 29 weeks gestational age!  Her blood pressure is normalized with medicine and she was able to leave the hospital and go home! She will receive close follow-up by Nusre Stella until she delivers in 8 weeks. Prayer for Hellen will be helpful!  At school today there was a lot of activity. The girls did a Bible Study in their dormitory with Jacquelind, Clare, Miranda, Bridget, and Elizabeth all participating!  It encouraged the young women to appreciate their inner beauty and value as revealed by Jesus!  Wyatt and Chad played soccer til they were worn out by the CCLS Uganda boys!  Dr. Belsha and Dr. Killian spent the day in the Medical Clinic and saw about 50 patients. Alexandra and Wyatt helped in the clinic as well. We then ended the day with the school assembly and dismissal and prayer of thanks for the day. It was a great day. God is present here with the beautiful people of Uganda!